Send us photographs of your artworks, an introduction and image titles and we will make an online gallery for you.


Piccola Scatola. A small gallery for 8 - 20 artworks. £500.00

Scatola Grande. A larger gallery for 16 - 50 artworks. £900.00


  1. We will edit and straighten your photographs of your artworks, so they look great in the gallery.

  2. We will use our considerable experience (in exhibition curation and design) to design an exhibition layout that makes your work look great and creates the best experience for your visitors.

  3. We will create a test gallery so that you can see what it is going to look like and confirm any changes you would like to make before we build the final exhibition.

  4. We will build your exhibition into an online tour that includes an introduction, information, titles and contact details.

  5. The online tour utilises a very stable platform ( that can be easily accessed and shared on the internet from a wide variety of devices.

  6. You do not have to download an app to view the galleries.

  7. We will include your exhibition on our Artists page.

  8. Advice on sharing through social media and embedding on a web page.

  9. The gallery will be public for one year from the date of payment.

Please take the time to look at our Projects and Artists pages, where you will find many examples of our unique galleries.


1 Choose your gallery - We have produced two ready-to-go galleries for you to choose from...

  • Piccola Scatola is perfect for an exhibition containing between 8 and 20 pieces. It is a single light and airy space that is perfect for a solo or small group exhibition. The cost is £500 for one year and will take about one week to produce from the day we receive your images.

  • Scatola Grande is perfect for an exhibition containing between 16 and 50 pieces. It has two light and airy spaces separated by a darker central space. It is ideal for a group show. The cost is £800 for one year and will take up to two weeks to produce from the day we receive your images.

Piccola Scatola. Floor plan. Exhibition walls in solid black.

Piccola Scatola in action - This gallery was produced for print artist Brendan Shaw.

Scatola Grande - This example gallery includes standard paper sizes and people to give a sense of scale it also includes artworks by print artist Brendan Shaw.

Scatola Grande. Floor plan. Exhibition walls in solid black.

  • Bespoke?

    If you want an original and bespoke gallery, then please email us to discuss your project. We are more than happy to quote for funding bids.

Drive Thru - This bespoke gallery was produced in colaboration with photographer Stephen Clarke.

2 Email us and tell us about your ideas - What type of artworks? How many?

3 Send us:

  1. Photographs of your work - we recommend that you use for this. Mobile phone images are OK and we have produced a short video that give you tips on how to get the best results (in the Resources section at the bottom of this page).

  2. Is there an order to the artworks? If so, let us know. If not, allow us to design the layout for you.

  3. Artwork sizes. If you want the artworks to be displayed at their actual sizes, then you must send us accurate measurements. Scatola Grande has examples of specific sizes.

    This may be the perfect time to experiment with scale… have you ever wondered what your work would be like at a different size? You do not have to follow normal conventions in this gallery and this is the perfect place to test new ideas.

  4. Do you want the images to be framed? There is an example in Scatola Grande.

  5. Titles and artwork info.

  6. An introduction to the exhibition. I recommend a statement of no more than 100 words. The introduction to Brendan's exhibition is 70 words. You can add further information under an ‘info’ button that can include contact details; email, telephone, Instagram etc.

4 Build.

  • We will build a low resolution version of the gallery and share it with you to check that you are happy with the general exhibition layout. This will take between two and four days depending on the gallery and amount of artworks.

  • Once you are happy with the layout, we will build the final (high resolution) gallery, including all the information you have provided.

5 Payment.

  • After your final approval and payment in-full, we will add you to our Artists pages and send you a web link and embed codes. Your exhibition will run for one year from that date.

Other Services

Resources and other information

This video demonstrates how to get the best photographs of your artwork with a mobile phone.

Web Design

We create portfolio websites for artists for a 3 year fixed fee starting at £350.

  • £350 will buy you a three page website including - Home, Gallery and About pages.

  • £500 will buy you an eight page website including - all the above pages plus multiple galleries.

These are two examples of website we have built...

Artist Jeffrey Hammond's website built with Wordpress.

Quantel heritage site. Built in a 1990s stlye using HTML and CSS coding

Contact Cassetta.Frame

Mobile (Aaron): 07794976456